Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Basketable Lucy-bell

I took this video last time I visited and gave it to MissnSam but they were too embarrassed of my loud squawking voice throughout the whole film so they haven't put it on their own blog. I guess I haven't learned my video-recording etiquette just yet...but Lucy is cute!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Day 2/15/12 -as requested by RACHEL!

Thanks for the blog idea- I really needed an excuse to not do school work!

7:00am - alarm goes off on the other side of the room. Get up, stumble across, push snooze, fall back in bed.
7:10am - repeat
7:20am - repeat
7:30am - repeat, only accidentally turn alarm off instead of pushing snooze.
9:40am - wake up from a series of very stressful dreams about missing classes I didn't know I had, being fired from work, etc. and realizing I needed to be at work in 20 minutes.  Throw myself out of bed along with a very confused Rory and run to the bathroom to throw some clothes on, brush teeth, and haphazardly smooth down my bed-hair.
9:50am - push Rory out the door and tell her to "gopottygopottygopottygopotty..." until she FINALLY actually does go potty after sniffing VERY carefully every blade of grass in the vicinity and making about 1,000 circles.
9:55am- Rush her back inside and hurry to the car and drive to work while simultaneously applying makeup.
10:05am- Show up at work and find a big cranberry-orange muffin that my boss, Tom has bought for me all set up on my desk with an orange juice :) I help an artist check in and out some art and he talks to me about dating his 22 year old son and insists I look him up on facebook to "check him out."
10:30am- make invoices and update our accounting records for some pending sales, send out statements, and confirm shipments that were sent out at the beginning of the week.
11:30am- realize I didn't write the paper this morning that I was planning to write since I went to a Valentine's day party last night instead of doing school work. I tell Tom and since I've worked overtime for 3 weeks in a row, he is in full support of my taking off early after my lunch break. After thanking him many times, I go back to work. I update the website with new arrivals and the new artist spotlight and look into simple ways to make the website look better because I think it looks dumb right now.
12:00pm- Meet with my coworker and go over the schedules for the next couple of weeks and look at progress on our ongoing projects with the database.
12:15pm- Fix Tom's email outlook issues (i hate outlook)
12:45pm- Hang some new paintings up and file some old
1:00pm- Talk to someone who is sure their Picasso poster is worth millions and try and convince them it's not worth more than $50 at max.
1:20pm- data filing and photo imaging
2:00pm- take off for the day, and go straight home to work on the paper.
2:10pm- get called by Diana announcing she has a new puppy! Freak out and get to meet it- (so cute! white lab) she and Rory get to play and we eat lunch.
3:30pm- go back to writing the paper about human echolocation (seeing by sonar)
5:30pm- finish the paper and hand it in via the web. Go eat a bowl of ice cream in celebration while reading "The Carousel" by that same author that wrote the "Time Piece" or something. Good fast, non-thinking kind of book.
6:00pm- sit back down at the computer to work on another paper for research methods but figure out that it will be easier to complete the graphs/charts with microsoft office suite on my work computer rather than my home computer. Resort to facebook instead and read the posts of the day. "like" Rachel's pictures of Jeff's award thing.
6:30pm- open up another assignment I have to do for international economics. Read it about 5 times until I understand what the teacher is talking about and then read other peoples' posts given in response. End up feeling overwhelmed, stupid, and confused. Resort to going outside and playing with Rory.
7:30pm- Sit back down to try and attempt the same assignment and get irritated I don't understand it so decide to look up puppies on ksl instead, and then names for dogs because Diana and Matt still haven't named theirs. Decide they should name it "Alaska" "Coca-Cola" or "Bling." long stories.
8:00pm- Get annoyed that I have this nagging feeling about having to do that assignment. Get up and eat some "King's Hawaiian savory butter" rolls. Drink some water. Cough.
8:15pm- get on blogger and read peoples' posts from the week and get this idea from Rachel's blog that demands I do the same.
8:35pm- Start doing this, with breaks of playing tug-of-war with a very restless Rory who is now sound asleep on my right arm making it hard to type.
8:59pm- looks like I'm done. I will probably force myself to do that assignment, which will take forever, and then be so restless and annoyed after that I'll need to do something mindless -probably play the guitar for awhile. Then I'll hopefully remember to drink more water, reply to a bunch of texts that it looks like my phone is telling me that I have, update the list for my ward's group date I'm in charge of, and then plan out my day for tomorrow and then oh crap, I should read the scriptures too and it looks like I haven't prayed today either. Retina.

Dang- this is like those things where they make you write down everything you eat and you end up just feeling guilty and looking at how you're not doing as well as you thought you were. Good to know, all the same. Thanks Rachel!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Photographic Memory 2011

I was thinking that if most people are as good as I am at taking photos, then having a photographic memory isn't really all it's cracked up to be. This is mostly all I've got for 2011 that have been downloaded onto my computer (aside from anything already added to this blog). So here is a scrambled memory of last year. Cheers!